How to Make Hair Protein Treatment

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"The Truth About Perm Formula's Exposed".

It's unfortunate that companies are changing perm formulas with no warning. They'll pop an ad on box saying "we've added oil to this perm and call it a moisturizing perm". But they don't disclose that a perm with to much oil can cause an oil overload on the scalp and cause the perm to be watery. Which, means as you apply this perm to scalp it’s more susceptible to damaging your scalp and hair? Also, some companies just reduce percentage of a few ingredients; they don't care if it's needed because bottom line is the dollar to them. I was using a perm called gentle treatment and awesome perm at first, and then I noticed the perm started to look a little watery, I saw now with more aloe moisturizing or something similar on box. So, I'm thinking to soothe the scalp and moisture gently great.  I go home and apply it the perm was working, but then it started taking to fast. It was as if the perm began to straighten within half the box recommended time. This may sound good for those that have course hair but not when it's eating through like a triple super extra strength. After this happened my scalp became irritated and drastically itchy and dry. I could write about issues for days on this box of disaster hidden behind the name gentle treatment.
Although, I will end with this tip, the perms you have to mix yourself really aren't good for the hair. The formula's can change with no warning. If you must perm your own hair unprofessionally, purchase the already mixed perms. To be specific the ones that don't require adding liquid activator. Basically, if the box says liquid activator included leave it on the shelf. Also, this perm is not recommended because if the individual using it doesn't mix it properly this may cause damage or even hair loss. Anyway, you can find the already mixed perms in your local beauty supply stores, or by scheduling an appointment at your local cosmetologist.

If you’re using this perm and still thinking Gentle Treatment is the best thing for me then click on the link below and marinate to the readings revealed.,_Regular/?prod_id=128285

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